Mouthguard – face mask obligation in the gym: what we know so far

Should I wear a mask during my workout or not? This dilemma is currently on the minds of all gym-goers Worldwide, at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has killed and continues to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

Some people see it as their duty to wear a mask to protect those around them and themselves.

However, most believe that it is not possible to wear a mask while exercising, claiming that it “blocks” their breathing.

The truth is that at the moment it has not been proven that the use of a mask affects the flow of oxygen. However, studies are already underway to try to provide answers to this problem.

The research

Recently revealed research shows that the mask does not block a practitioner’s breathing, indicating that the reason some people feel they cannot breathe properly is because of the stress and anxiety they experience precisely because they are not used to using a mask during exercise.

The scientific study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

The researchers measured the oxygen levels in the blood and muscles of 14 young and healthy practitioners (7 men and 7 women) as they performed cardio exercises. The test was performed three times.

The first time the participants wore a reusable mask, the second time they wore an operation (disposable), and the third time they exercised without a mask.

The results showed that there were no difficulties in oxygen uptake due to the use of the mask.

Specifically, no evidence was found to suggest that intense mask training reduces oxygen uptake or increases the risk of exhaled carbon dioxide being trapped in the mask and re-inhaled by the exerciser.

According to scientists, the reason we cannot get used to using a mask during exercise is because we are not used to it.

The role of stress and anxiety

According to researchers, it is much more likely that some exercisers take in less oxygen due to the stress and anxiety they experience from using a mask during exercise.

This is because they are not used to wearing something on their face while exercising and fear that the mask will cause them problems.

The data so far

Currently, however, scientists agree that low to moderate intensity exercise with the use of a mask has no negative effects on the exerciser. After all, the body requires less oxygen consumption at these intensities.

What is certain is that if you have heart or lung problems, you should avoid intense workouts.

During intense training, muscles produce lactic acid, which is converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled by the exerciser.

However, if carbon dioxide remains trapped in the mask (though this has not yet been proven), you will breathe it in. This reduces your cognitive function and increases your breathing rate.

Helpful tips

If you’ve decided it’s time to wear your mask while exercising, be sure to follow these tips.

Don’t overdo it

Don’t run that one extra mile. It’s natural that you’ll feel uncomfortable with the mask at first. So don’t try to overdo it the first time and include very high intensity in your training.

Take your pulse

Make sure you measure your heart rate every time you feel your heart beating faster.

Drink water

Don’t forget your hydration, (water preferred). Dehydration is often responsible for the increase in heart rate.

Let’s train outside without a mask!

Of course, you can also do without it completely if you train outdoors with the necessary distances to the people training with you and all the necessary hygiene rules. Let’s build up together your steeling defense system against all diseases.

Improve your posture, release tension, burn fat, build stamina, balance, strength, flexibility and have a lot of fun!!!!


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